Created by Wole 4 years ago

In a predominantly Muslim family, many of us were growing up in the religion we were born into. Only daddy was a known and practicing Christian. His life and family life was, to many of us, a role model. Right from our childhood, we saw Jesus Christ in him: loving and articulate in relating with the rest members of the family. I will categorically say that, many of us who are now Christians knew daddy before we come to know Jesus. His life preached the gospel of Christ to us.

Secondly, daddy was so dutiful. Some of us learn punctuality from him. Daddy was very meticulous and straight in his dealings. He manifested unusual wisdom whenever you listened to him solve your problem. 

Daddy helped many of us in the family either education or job seeking. Always willing to help and always supportive.

Finally, daddy  was a family man per excellence. I remember during Ileya festival, usually daddy and mummy will arrive with their children as a family. Some of us learned close family relationship from him as our father.

Daddy love the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus Christ to the end. He always listened to Christian Ministers' messages on cable most time we visited him.

Our joy is that daddy loved and served Jesus Christ to end well and finished strong. 

Adieu  Oreitan Oluwole Apampa